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5 Years Later: 5 Business Impacts of Brexit

Five years after the United Kingdom left the European Union, small businesses across the country are still feeling the effects.

What are the most common uses of electricity in business?

5 years ago

What are the most common uses of electricity in business?

What are the uses of electricity?

Without even thinking about it, you use electricity on a daily basis - unless you've managed to escape to a remote island that's off the grid! Commercial energy consumption is on the rise with the way we use electricity in business playing a part in this. So what are the uses of electricity in business?

Consumption peaked in 2001 and has since fallen by 7.4 per cent.

There has also been a shift in the share of consumption by the three key sectors; in 1970, public administration accounted for 47 per cent of services in consumption and the commercial sector 43 per cent. By 2017, public administration consumed 26 per cent and commercial’s share had increased to 67 per cent. Agriculture’s share decreased between 1970 and 2017 from 10 per cent to 7.2 per cent.


Top uses of electricity in business

Business electricity usage comes from using a variety of sources and appliances, with the main uses of electricity in businesses consumption coming from;

  • Air Conditioning

  • Heating

  • Water Heaters

  • Office Lighting

  • Computers, Laptops & Printers

  • Telephones, Routers & Modems

  • Refrigerators & Dishwashers

  • TV & Game Consoles! (If you're lucky enough)

It's key to keep on top of your business electricity usage and understand what's contributing towards your energy bill.

What's the average electricity usage per year?

The table below will help you understand how much electricity your business is likely to use over the course of a year.

Business SizeAnnual Usage (kWh)Unit Price (kWh)
Micro Business7,50014.4p - 15.9p
Small Business20,00014.3p - 15.1p
Medium Business35,00014.3p - 14.7p

*The above table is to act as a guide only.

Every business is different and uses electricity to reflect this. The cost of your electricity is dependant upon a number of factors. Which include how much you consume, your location, the business electricity tariff and length of contract you choose.

How you can help reduce your business electricity bills

There are multiple ways you can reduce your electricity bills. The most obvious one is to check that you're on the right electricity tariff for your business usage.

Switch & save money

It's easy to overlook the option to switch your electricity tariff and/or supplier. Once you've set up your business electricity supply and make your payments, it's quite often seen as the end of.

It's easier to compare business electricity than you might think. You simply provide a few details about your current usage. A dedicated team will compare the best deals across the market with an aim to beat your current costs. The end result is that you will save money!

Educate your business on the uses of electricity

The hardiest part requires you to educate both yourself and employees on electricity usage and how to effectively reduce consumption within the workplace.

Here are some tips on how your business can help reduce electricity use:

  • Switch the lights off when not in use

  • Replace light bulbs with energy-saving ones

  • Let the natural light do the work where possible

Electrical equipment
  • Switch off all devices at the end of the day

  • Never leave electrical equipment on standby mode

  • Use laptops instead of computers wherever possible

  • Inkjet printers use less energy that laser ones

Workplace temperature
  • Keep the workplace at a stable temperature

  • Close external and internal doors

  • Install timers for heating units

  • Draft proof windows and doors

Have you considered generating electricity yourself?

Businesses that focus on generating electricity themselves can enjoy a wide range of benefits. If your business spends a lot on electricity and looks to do so for the foreseeable future, you may want to consider your options.

Reduce electricity costs

At the forefront of your mind is going to be "will it save me money". Generating your own electricity can help reduce your overall energy spend. However, it does require investment and proves highly beneficial to businesses with high electricity consumption.

Increase your revenue

Whilst you produce your own electricity and enjoy the benefits of saving money, you could also look at the possibility of making money! If your business produces more electricity than it's using, you could sell the excess back to the grid.

By generating electricity you can gain control of both your production and cost of energy.

Published by Kerry Fawcett