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Business Energy Procurement

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Compare energy procurement solutions for your business

Corporate businesses spend large amounts on gas, electricity and other energy sources throughout the year. More often than not energy usage remains unaudited and costs creep up year after year.

Our objective is to provide corporate businesses with a solution to compare energy procurement solutions to obtain and secure the most economical supply arrangement available in the market.

We want to help your business save money by finding you the right energy supplier, who will proactively work with you to identify ways to reduce costs and select a key supplier who will focus on minimising costs and aligning your risk profile.

Save time, money and reduce uncertainty in your business, by comparing energy procurement solutions with a range of options that can be tailored to your business needs.

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What is energy procurement?

Energy procurement is a solution to help source and identify the gas and electricity contracts that best suit your individual business needs. Business contracts can become extremely complicated and the energy market highly volatile.

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Why do I need energy procurement?

With rising energy costs now being a major concern for business owners, it's reassuring to have an energy expert working on your behalf. Energy procurement will help assist your business to find the right approach to reduce your energy operating costs, cutting out unnecessary spending on gas and electricity. With 100s of different suppliers and tariffs, an energy procurement solution will simplify the process, taking away unwanted headaches.

What are my energy procurement contract options?

There are predominantly four types of procurement contracts when choosing the right energy solution; Fixed Energy, Passthrough Energy, Flexible Procurement and Public Procurement. Each option has its own benefits and risks, which can be weighed out when deciding what suits your business.

If your business has a set budget for energy and you need to know exactly what you'll be paying to help manage cashflow, a fixed price energy contract might be just what you need!

What is a fixed price energy contract?

A fixed price business energy contract fixes your tariff at the point of agreeing the terms of contract. Typically, you can fix your tariff for up to 5 years and reviews can take place 12 months in advance of the contract end date. It's ideal for businesses with set budgets for utilities.

Fixing your energy contract protects your business from rising prices over the course of the contract. A perfect solution to ensure there are no hidden surprises when your energy bill arrives.

Why choose a fixed energy contract?

Protect your business from exposure to the volatile energy market with a fixed price energy contract.


  • Fixed cost for duration of contract

  • No rising future commodity and non-commodity costs

  • Supplier absorbs the long-term pricing risk

  • Less complex contract


  • Supplier increases costs to try and counter the long-term risk

  • Does not allow you to take advantage of price reductions during contract

Offering your business an opportunity to benefit from lower energy costs, a pass-through contract has two elements; fixed energy tariff and non-energy related costs.

What is a pass-through energy contract?

A pass-through energy contract covers two types of costs; your fixed energy use and non-energy costs. Wholesale energy costs are agreed and fixed at the beginning of your contract, however, non-energy costs are variable and outside of the suppliers control – these are referred to as 'pass-through' charges.

What are pass-through charges?

Pass-through charges are non-energy related costs. These cover varying charges associated with transporting your energy to you, along with providing support for Government initiatives, such as climate change policies.

Energy suppliers are charged by third party companies who operate the infrastructure to transport energy. These charges are passed on to you and account for approximately half of your energy costs. During peak periods these costs can be more expensive and fluctuate depending on the market.

Supporting Government schemes that generate renewable energy and mechanisms to maintain security of supply are also chargeable.

Why choose a pass-through energy contract?

Pass-through energy may be suitable for businesses that are not averse to credit risk and do not require a fixed payment to manage budget. If you would like more involvement with your energy contract with the potential to spend less, a pass-through contract could be what you need.


  • Should prices fall, your business will benefit, not the supplier

  • Lower costs, as you would take on the risk of fluctuating prices

  • No fixed tariff restrictions

  • Ideal for clients who can manage usage patterns to avoid expensive periods of time


  • Supplier costs can fluctuate, which are then passed onto the end user

  • Lack of budgetary control

  • Cost estimates do not provide guarantees of future prices

  • If you consume energy during the peak periods, you will be subject to higher charges

  • More complex contract

Take advantage of the ever-changing energy market with a flexible procurement energy contract by spreading the risks associated with energy purchasing. Ideal for commercial businesses who spend over £100,000 per year on gas or electricity.

What is a flexible procurement energy contract?

A flexible contract allows large commercial businesses with high energy spend to take advantage of a volatile energy market, capitalising on market rises and falls by using energy traders to purchase energy on your behalf.

Why choose a flexible procurement energy contract?

If you're spending over £100,000 per year on energy, require a flexible contract whilst minimising energy costs, a flexible procurement could be the answer to your commercial energy needs.

By understanding your business usage and needs, the right strategy is devised to use trading expertise to optimise against the market price. Price optimisation is achieved through flexibility with energy traders purchasing your gas or electricity directly from the wholesale commodity market. You'll often find lower rates are secured and the restrictions of a fixed contract elevated.

You'll be provided with reports on trading performance, along with cost forecasting to ensure you're kept informed and in control.


  • Flexibility to take advantage of fluctuating energy prices

  • Spread the risk over multiple purchase points

  • Gives your business complete control over energy purchasing

  • Ongoing help and support of experienced industry professionals


  • Involves complex purchasing decisions

  • Detailed knowledge or the energy market is essential

  • Requires large tradable volumes to access the wholesale market

  • Open to exposure if your account is not managed properly

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Public procurement

Public procurement, also known as Government procurement, refers to the purchase of goods, services and constructions on behalf of a public authority, such as government departments or agencies.

Public procurement accounts for a substantial proportion of tax payers' money, governments are expected to carry it out efficiently and with high standard of conduct in order to ensure high quality of service delivery and safeguard the public interest.

Why choose a public procurement energy contract?

If you're in the public sector, looking to improve your energy efficiency, we have a dedicated division supported by a team of industry specialists. With multiple years' experience with EU compliance and OJEU compliant tenders. Our team are experienced in managing OJEU compliant tenders and can work in partnership with public sector bodies in order to understand the challenges and opportunities your business faces.

We can assist with:

  • Compliance with all EU/public sector procurement legislation

  • Formulating, understanding and agreeing energy purchasing objectives

  • Market advice through access to dedicated energy trader account management

  • Competitive tendering and a transparent supplier management process

  • Support from experienced and knowledgeable energy procurement specialists that have direct experience working within the public sector

  • Energy efficiency and sustainable energy initiatives

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